Taking regular backups of your blog is always advised to be on the safer side just in case some thing bad happens. As the blog continues to grow it’s good to back up your software and post database regularly. Usually these days most of the web hosting offer you to take backup of your site. Usually getting the latest backup from the web hosting can be a very lengthy and time-consuming process.
Dropbox is a leading and very popular cloud storage service. It allows you to share and store files over its servers. You can very easily automate the backup process of your blog using the Dropbox, just follow the simple steps to back up your blog.
So what are the things required:
Well to proceed following are the required ingredients:
- A Dropbox account, it’s free just visit www.dropbox.com and create a new account and install their software on your system. They provide up to GB of free storage.
- A hosted WordPress blog
- “WordPress Backup to Dropbox” a plugin from WordPress.org
So how to back up WordPress blog to Dropbox
Well install the plugin “WordPress Backup to Dropbox”.
After the installation visit under Settings >> Backup to Dropbox to set up the backup. In order to use this plugin you will need to authorized it with your Dropbox account.
Just login to your Dropbox account and click Authorize on the settings page of your blog.Clicking on the Authorize button will open a new window simply authenticate the plugin to use Dropbox.
Once you grant the access to the plug-in it continues to back up your WordPress installation.
After this just select a day, time and frequency of backup and voila that’s it you have successfully setup Dropbox to back up your WordPress blog. The plug-in is built to ensure that at the specified time a backup of your site’s files and database is backed up to Dropbox. The plugin uses OAuth to keep your Dropbox account details safe. No credentials are stored for the plugin to gain access.
For further reading and details :
Visit the plug-in website http://wpb2d.com/